In my view, a Twitter discussion is appropriate when we discuss a problem that is not complex because Twitter has 280 characters limitation, which limits explanations behind a problem. Thus, our words have to be concise and precise. However, I believe Twitter is the most efficient tool to address an issue and call on everyone (not limited to our friends) to consider the specific issues, but again due to the word limit, solutions might be superficial and insufficient.
On Blackboard discussion, there is no word limit, and we can explain some topics in detail. What's more, we can go through our classmates' posts and receive (only) our professors' and classmates' comments.
In-class discussion is the most effective way of solving issues because problems can be addressed immediately and be solved in the present. However, due to the time limit, the in-class discussion often cannot be fully conducted and expanded because it really takes time in thinking about it. Thus, that's why professors usually require students to read relative materials and prepare for it. In-class discussion facilitates the real interactions between ourself and our classmates.
I do agree that an in-class discussion is the most effective way of solving issues because everyone is present in the classroom. Although some students may be distracted with their own activities, the fact still remains that everyone is physically present and that some information may catch their attention and stay with them. In comparison, not everything we read online or listen to sticks with us. I do not agree however, that Twitter is the most efficient tool to address an issue and to call on everyone. Although it is the best social media tool to reach a large number of people, not every person responding may be serious in the discussion or is able to effectively contribute to the discussion.